Ms. Nhem Choeun living in Kanhchum Village, Kanhchum Commune, Peam Reang District, Prey Veng Province, has always dreamed of expanding her business to meet the growing demand of customers, but the challenge is the lack of capital. After getting to know LOLC Cambodia, a financial institution that offers a wide range of loans, especially small business loan, Ms. Nhem Choeun applied for a loan by showing a clear plan relates to current and future income-expenditure situations. After receiving the loan, she allocated some money to set up an attractive store and some to buy more goods for sale to meet the needs of customers. As of now, she has used 2 loan cycles with LOLC Cambodia.
Through smart investment, high commitment, honesty, and enough capital support from LOLC Cambodia lead the number of clients has steadily increased and at the same time, her income has also increased. As a result, Choeun’s business is constantly growing and able to repay the loan regularly and even start saving for future plans.
"When we have a clear plan, honesty and hard work, our business has a high chance of success, moreover, when we have good loan repayment history, the next loan application is also easy to get approval from financial institutions for further support our business." she added.